Powered by AI

We leverage latest technologies to provide your with best google ads keywords quickly.

AI-Driven Keyword Optimization: Behind the Scenes of Our Advanced Long-Tail Strategy

In digital advertising, success hinges on targeting the right keywords. Our solution goes beyond traditional methods by employing custom AI components and large language models (LLMs) to supercharge the process of keyword generation, scoring, and filtering. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the technology that powers our innovative approach to Google Ads.

How Our Solution Works

Our AI-driven approach combines state-of-the-art models and APIs to optimize your Google Ads campaigns with long-tail keywords that deliver high impact and low costs. Here’s how each component contributes to the process:

  1. AI-Based Buy Intent Filtering: We use a fine-tuned AI model specifically trained to predict buy intent. This custom model analyzes keywords to determine if a user searching for that phrase is likely to make a purchase. This ensures that only the most commercially valuable keywords are selected, eliminating those with low conversion potential.

  2. Relevance Scoring with LLM Perplexity: To ensure our keywords are highly relevant to your niche, we leverage large language models (LLMs) to score keywords based on perplexity—a measure of how well the keyword fits within the context of your content. Lower perplexity scores indicate higher relevance, allowing us to rank and prioritize keywords that align closely with user intent and campaign goals.

  3. Keyword Generation Using LLMs, Google Ads API, and Google Trends API: We generate keyword ideas by tapping into the power of LLMs, which are trained on vast datasets to understand language nuances and user behavior. Combined with the Google Ads API and Google Trends API, we identify trending phrases and search terms that are gaining traction, ensuring our keyword pool is both current and highly targeted.

  4. Webpage Parsing for Contextual Insights: Our system extracts text from relevant web pages by parsing HTML, allowing us to gather additional context around keyword usage and intent. This raw data helps refine our understanding of keyword potential, ensuring our strategy is deeply informed by real-world usage.

Why Our Approach Stands Out

  • Precision Targeting: By filtering keywords with a buy intent prediction model, we ensure your ads reach users who are ready to convert, maximizing ROI.

  • High Relevance: The use of LLM perplexity scores ensures that selected keywords are not just popular but deeply relevant to your audience, enhancing ad performance.

  • Dynamic Adaptation: Leveraging real-time data from Google Trends and Google Ads APIs allows us to stay ahead of market changes, constantly adapting your keyword strategy to capitalize on emerging opportunities.


Our AI-powered keyword optimization process is a game-changer for Google Ads, combining buy intent prediction, relevance scoring, and real-time data generation to create a refined and effective long-tail strategy. By leveraging cutting-edge technology at every step, we help you achieve superior ad performance with minimal costs.

Discover the power of AI-driven keyword optimization and elevate your advertising game with a solution that’s built to deliver results.

Image of our system infrastructure diagram.

System Overview

Our system consists of 3 stages: webpage parsing, keyword generation, scoring and filtering.
