User Guidelines

How to make the best use of our generated google ads keywords.


The application is under continuous development and provided under best effort basis. Our team tries to ensure the best keywords results and user experience, nevertheless the software is provided on AS IS basis.

Therefore, the use of the provided keywords for advertising campaigns, and results following from that are solely user responsibilities.

You can read detailed terms and conditions of the service here.

How to prepare the keywords

Please go roughly through the .txt file containing our generated keywords. If you encounter any keywords that probably will not lead to successful conversions, such as: keywords containing names of your competition or keywords unrelated to your service, it’s best that you delete them for good campaign results.

How to optimally apply the keywords

After initial filtering you should end up with few hundred to 1-2 thousands keywords. You should apply them as provided in the .txt file, with quotation marks "", i.e. you should use the google ads “phrase” match type. You can read more about “phrase” match here.

How to monitor your campaign

You should start with setting limit for cost per click (cpc) or cost per action (cpa) very low and gradually increase them every few days until you achieve desired amount of traffic.

In addition, you should periodically check whether there are some keywords that are being bought frequently, but they are not delivering conversions. If there are such keywords like that, you should remove them.

Customer support

We are working continuously to provide the best possible keywords. But if for some reason you encounter a problem with them, let us know at [email protected].
