Best Google Ads Keywords for Small Businesses

Utilize long-tail approach to increase advertising ROI with our AI-powered keyword research tool. All in 5 minutes.


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Long-Tail Approach

A winning strategy for niche advertising success. We can help you achieve it.

Google Ads Optimized

Components of our system are designed with Google Ads ecosystem in mind.

Powered by AI

We leverage latest technologies to quickly provide you with your best keywords.

Best Google Ads Keywords in a single click.

Provide you with google ads keywords for your website in 5 minutes, ready to use, sent straight to your e-mail. No account setup, no subscriptions, plain and simple.

Best Google Ads Keywords in a single click.


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Ideal for a Small-Business

Tailored for small budgets, big impact.

Simple, Hassle Free

One click, affordable, no account setup.

No Subscriptions

Just powerful keywords for a one-time fee.

How it Works

We leverage different methods of keyword research, then we fuse it together, score and filter out phrases without buy intent. Every step uses custom AI-based components. Solution is focused on the long-tail keywords, which bring the most advertising impact with low cost per click.

How it Works


Managing campaigns using Google Ads API

Learn how to view existing campaigns, add keywords to a campaign or pause running campaign using Google Ads API.

PyTrends for keyword research

Learn how to utilize pytrends library to query google for trending keywords of your interest.

What are Google Ads?

Read about basics of Google Ads ecosystem. Learn about biding system, ctr, cpc metrics, and more.
